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Alter Your Health

Nov 18, 2019

This is the first episode of the "local series" on the Alter Your Health podcast where I'll be connecting with leaders, healers, and inspiring humans here in the Carbondale, Colorado area and surrounding Roaring Fork Valley.

I was so happy to sit down with Deva and Eaden in their beautiful healing arts center, True Nature, in Carbondale.

True Nature Healing Arts is a local vortex. Amazing energy and boundless beauty that is so appreciated by the members of the local community. You don't even have to take one of the amazing yoga classes or any of the spa offerings to enjoy the inspirational hub of Carbondale that is True Nature.

With no prior connection or knowledge of their backgrounds, I was thrilled to get to know how these two souls came together in synergy, allowing intuition to lead them as they pursued their purpose.

Some highlights of this conversation include... 

  • The power of "opposites" in relationship
  • How to create a thriving business without a business plan
  • The process of refining intuition
  • Importance of multidimensional health to stay on purpose in life
  • Listening to life's cues that keep us on our path


You may also be interested in these episodes...

Episode 48 with Swami Beyondananda -

Episode 108 with Jeremy Goldberg -

Episode 138 with Dr. Rollin McCraty -


Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or review on whatever platform you choose to tune in on!


Links to learn more